We believe that investing in the health of our people means believing in the future. At Sirap, we stand out due to the great level of attention we pay to health and safety in the workplace, which is an integral part of the new ‘Sustainability – Quality, Health, Safety and Environment’ policy. Over nine years we launched the “Lavoriamo in Sicurezza” [‘Let’s work Safely’] project, which has resulted in a progressive change in behavioural approach throughout the organisation.
We gradually implemented the HSE Integrated Management System, which is certified according to the international standards ex-OHSAS 18001 and UNI EN ISO 14001, at each production site. We developed this system on a voluntary basis, because our aim is to optimise and continuously improve the processes that guarantee the health of our workers, safety at work and environmental protection.
We pursue the ‘zero accidents’ goal at our offices: to achieve it, we developed a complex system of communication and operational tools with which workers actively participate. Our employees are incentivised to help promote health and safety prevention initiatives and are involved in specific sessions in which information and training are provided, both in a classroom and out in the field. We conduct health surveillance at each of our sites through appointed external bodies, with the primary aim of safeguarding the health of workers, as well as following local regulations.